May 2019
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The 2019 meeting will be held with ICSE in Montreal on Tuesday May 28 at McGill University.
Ideally, the distance from the conference hotel to the meeting venue is 14 mins by walk, 14 mins by bus, and 11 mins by car. This link shows the route.
It is recommended to walk walk or go by car. A car can be parked near the intersection of rue university and Milton street (which is closer to the entrance of the meeting venue) using parking pay station. More details can be found here.
8:30 Arrival and coffee 9:00 Welcome (J. Nawrocki) Roll call, agenda, prior meeting minutes (J. Lawall) 9:05 Action items from the previous meeting (J. Nawrocki) 9:10 Changes in TC2 membership (M. Goedicke) 9:20 Update from the IFIP General Assembly (J. Nawrocki) 9:40 Keynote (???) 10:10 Management structure of TC2 (J. Nawrocki) 10:30 Break 11:00 Election of TC2 officers (J. Nawrocki) 11:20 Financial issues (M. Goedicke) 11:30 Reports of WG chairs (J. Nawrocki) 12:15 Lunch 13:30 Reports of WG chairs (J. Nawrocki) 15:00 Break 15:30 Reports of WG chairs (J. Nawrocki) 16:00 Awards and distinctions (Will Tracz) 16:20 Report on IFIP World Computer Congress 2018 (R. Wrembel) 16:30 Future meetings and events (J. Lawall) 16:40 Other issues 17:00 Closing (J. Nawrocki) 19:00 Dinner