May 2018
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The 2018 meeting will be in Gothenburg, Sweden on Monday May 28, at the conference facilities of Chalmers/Univ. of Gothenburg. The meeting will take place in the room Valdemar in the University Congress Center at Johanneberg, Chalmers Konferens & Restauranger, Main entrance, Chalmersplatsen 1, 412 58 Göteborg.
8:30 Arrival and coffee 9:00 Welcome (J. Nawrocki) Roll call, agenda, prior meeting minutes (J. Lawall) 9:05 Action items from the previous meeting (J. Nawrocki) 9:10 Changes in TC2 membership and election of additional TC2 members (M. Goedicke) 9:20 Update from the IFIP General Assembly (J. Nawrocki) 9:40 Update on IFIP World Computer Congress (R. Wrembel) 9:50 Management structure of TC2 (J. Nawrocki) 10:20 Election of TC2 officers (J. Nawrocki) 10:30 Break 11:00 Financial issues (M. Goedicke) 11:10 Reports of WG chairs (J. Nawrocki) 12:15 Lunch 13:30 Reports of WG chairs (J. Nawrocki) 15:00 Coffee break 15:30 Awards and distinctions (M. Goedicke) 15:50 Future meetings and events (J. Lawall) 16:00 Technical presentation 16:30 Other issues 17:00 Closing (J. Nawrocki)
We would like to thank the Area of Advance ICT for hosting the meeting.