July 2017

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The 2017 meeting was in Essen Germany on Monday July 24, hosted by Michael Goedicke at paluno The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology.

University of Duisburg-Essen
Gerlingstraße 16
45127 Essen

Travel information. The nearest airport is Düsseldorf which has numerous European connections and a number of international connections as well. In addition, Cologne, Dortmund and even Frankfurt can be used and using train connections to reach Essen.

Hotel suggestions


   8:00 Arrival and welcome at paluno room SGW 009
   9:00 Welcome, roll call, agenda, prior meeting minutes
   9:05 IFIP report, financial status, IFIP awards
   9:30 Electing new Officers for TC2
   10:00 Reports of working group chairs
   12:30 Lunch
   14:00 Reports of working group chairs
   15:30 Coffee break
   16:00 Future events & locations, Manfred Paul Award
   16:30 TC2@WCC in Poznan
   17:00 Other Strategic issues
   17:30 Other business
   Dinner 19:30 in a restaurant nearby