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The official information about the enrollment process, the admission for handing in your work, as well as the current PhD regulations can be found here. Unfortunately, the English version of the site is not as comprehensive as the German one; therefore, we try to provide all relevant information below.


PhD students at the UDE have to be enrolled. To start the procedure you can contact Mrs. Knoblich and make an appointment for enrolment. She will tell you which documents you need and how to proceed. The documents are usually:

  • A CV with your current adress, date of birth, birthplace and nationality.
  • Your school and university graduation certificates (originals, no copies; for germans these are Abiturzeugnis, Bachelorzeugnis, Bachelorurkunde, Masterzeugnis, Masterurkunde). This might be different for internationals.
  • A decleration according to the Promotionsordnung. Here, you can find a template; just change everything in red to the correct information. The things you declare in the enumerations are that
    1. you did not try to get a PhD prior to the one you are now applying to
    2. the preliminary topic is ...
    3. you want a certain kind of PhD (ask us if you are not sure)
    4. you did not pay any money or had any shady dealings that got you the opportunity to write your dissertation (very rough summary, it is kind of complicated legal speech; again, if you are unsure, ask us)
  • A decleration from your supervisor (Ask Rolf for this one)

After that you will receive a letter of acceptance from the doctoral committee, which you will for your enrolment application (in english or german). Please note the required documents on the last page of the application PDF. You will also receive the Betreuungsvereinbahrung, which needs to be signed and returned to the Dekanat.

If everything worked out, you should receive a notification and your student card. To complete the enrolment you will have to pay the semester fee of around 350.00 € (this includes the actual semester fee and the semester ticket, which allows you to use all regional trains in NRW).

Useful links