July 2022

From IFIP/TC2-Wiki
Revision as of 22:33, 24 December 2024 by JacquesCarette (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Agenda, TC2 (Virtual) Annual Meeting, 7 July 2022, 15h00 - 18h00 Berlin 1. Welcome (I. Schaefer) Roll call/Introductions, agenda, prior meeting minutes (J. Lawall) 2. Changes in TC2 membership (Country Representatives, WG chairs) 3. Action items from the previous meeting 4. Report on IFIP General Assembly 2021 (I. Schaefer) 5. Election of TC2 Officers (Term 2022-2025) 6. Budget 2022 and 2023 7. Awards and distinctions (W. Tracz) 8. Reports from TC2 WGs (WG chairs...")
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Agenda, TC2 (Virtual) Annual Meeting, 7 July 2022, 15h00 - 18h00 Berlin

1. Welcome (I. Schaefer) Roll call/Introductions, agenda, prior meeting minutes (J. Lawall)

2. Changes in TC2 membership (Country Representatives, WG chairs)

3. Action items from the previous meeting

4. Report on IFIP General Assembly 2021 (I. Schaefer)

5. Election of TC2 Officers (Term 2022-2025)

6. Budget 2022 and 2023

7. Awards and distinctions (W. Tracz)

8. Reports from TC2 WGs (WG chairs)

9. WG Meetings - Experiences and Best Practices (all)

10. Future meetings and events