December 2020
December 22, 2020: The 2020 Manfred Paul award was awarded to Vadim Zaytsev from Universiteit Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, for his paper "Software Language Engineers’ Worst Nightmare", published at SLE 2020. More details below.
The 2020 meeting was held on July 13 from 15:00-19:00 CET. Connection information was provided by email.
1. Welcome (I. Schaefer) Roll call/Introductions, agenda, prior meeting minutes (J. Lawall)
1b. Brief introduction to IFIP (I. Schaefer, M. Goedicke)
2. Changes in TC2 membership (Country Representatives, WG chairs)
3. Action items from the previous meeting
4. Update from the IFIP General Assembly (M. Goedicke)
5. Financial issues
6. Awards and distinctions (W. Tracz)
7. Reports from TC2 WGs (WG chairs)
8. Virtual WG Meetings - Experiences and Best Practices (all)
9. Future meetings and events
10. Other issues
11. Closing