
Aus Diatomeen in paderborner Karst-Flüssen
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Characterization Sauer

ELWAS Catchment code: 278284
Total catchment size = 109.627 km²
Total river length = 30 km
stream slope = 5.9 ‰

Temporary river in stretches, summer drought in:

a) behind Lichtenau (Ponore), returning in the Paderquellen
b) between Grundsteinheim and the Altenau


Left: Kleinenberg Stream (5.6 km) upstream Lichtenau

  • Odenheimer stream (6.3 km) in Lichtenau
  • Schmittwasser / Glase stream downstream (8.8 km)


Located on the Rhine-Weser-watershed, flows through the Altenau, Alme and Lippe into the Rhine.

Discharge information

General discharge data of Sauer stream at Ebbinghausen (temporary stretch) and Sudheim (permanent)
Total discharge